Monday, March 1, 2010

Another Productive Day!!!

So excited....

Yes, I do have a life outside of this Walk MS... so I attended to my job for awhile today. But this afternoon I was able to make a few phone calls. And I learned that many of our area restaurants and more than willing to participate in our fundraising event.

I am planning on (dates not set) having Friendly's in the Coventry Mall (the one on Rt. 100 was booked until August) help us with a Spirit Night for Walk MS. If we can make this work, they will donate 10% of ALL of their nights proceeds to our team!!! This is fantastic!!!! I am hoping to schedule this for this month so keep your eyes peeled.

We may also hook up with the new Chili's Rest. in Upland Sq. on Rt. 100. They will make a donation to our team based on all of the people who come in with a Chili's flyer (to be distributed). Hoping to have this one in April.

And tonight, my daughter spoke in front of a room full of parents (HSA meeting), teachers and our principal to show our support for this event. I am SOOO STINKIN' proud of Olivia!

I invite you to write! Do you know someone with MS? Share with us.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


We are planning on having some of the kids make bracelets for all of the kids that participate in the walk.

You know, the string kind that the kids are making now. I bought embroidery floss at AC Moore for only .36 ea. of the little skiens of floss. Currently, I have 7 of the orange and 7 of the green, but I think I will need more. If you happen to stop at your local craft store and would like to pick some up that would be great. We are using DMC floss #740 (or 971) orange and #907 green.

We can also sell them at our events (bake sales, spirit nites, more info. to follow) along with the rubber bracelets we will be purchasing from the MS Society. This is a great way to get some of the kids involved and feel like they are active participants :)


Saturday, February 27, 2010

First Day of Our Team Blog!

Ok, well be gentle with me...I have never used a blog and here I am creating one! My "hip" friends would say I need to get with the program, but hey! you have to start somewhere.

Anyway, I wanted to create this blog for our team members and to those who have donated either their time and/or their $$$ to the Walk MS event. I am so happy to be putting this team team together along with my friend, Kim!

Our team was started to support of our friend, Melissa, who has just recently been diagnosed with Mulitple Sclerosis. It has been a difficult few months for her, but if you know Mel, you know she is tough as nails...most of the time :P

Supporting this cause has always been something I have considered. My aunt was diagnosed with MS in her early 30's and she is now into her 60's. It has been difficult for her and her family without a doubt. And with Melissa's recent diagnosis, it gave me the swift kick to get the ball rolling.

I would love to see this blog become a place for us to touch base with one another, share info., share stories, and share updates. All is good, keep it positive and enjoy!!!